Thursday, February 19, 2009

Five Million Dead in Counting- Assignment

1. What events led to the outbreak of war in the DR Congo?
The truth is that the war never really stopped. So I would say that the reason that the war is going in the Congo is because, of the former President that died. The people in the Congo I believe just really need to learn how to let certain things go because, what they are actually fighting about has happened about 14 years ago. Also because, one day things are going to go to far and are realy going to get out of hand.

2. How many have died in this war?
There is over 5 million people who have died in this war. Some of which who have died because, they were afriaid that they would get killed by the soldiers. There are some who have died because, they did get kiilled. Also you have some who have died because, of starvation, and lack of health care because of the fighting.
Over what time frame have the deaths taken place?
The time frame the deaths have taken place was with in 10 years. The Tutsis- led the Rwandan Patriotic Army to invade the Kivus, the part of the Congo that borders Rwanda, in 1996 and again in 1998.
What countries and ethnic groups are invovled?
As far as the war part the situtation the Tutsis and the Hudus are involed. The contries involved is Rwanda, and DR Congo. The Countries that oversee this and are trying to solve the problem (the U.N or peacekeepers) are the United States, European Union,and African Union.

3.What do you think can happen to stop the war/genocide in Congo?
To be honest I really do not know what can happen to stop this genocide. The reason I say this is because, almost everything has been done already to stop this genocide/war. The biggest peacekeepers of the world have even tried to stop the war, and it is like nothing can help them. They even tried to get them to sign some papers to stop the war and arm down, which they did. However, what they signed off to was like it really didn't matter, because directly after both sides of the war signed off they went back to what they were doing, which was to try thier hardest to kill the other group of people and the rest of the people that are not even fighting.So to me I think what needs to happen to stop the genocide/war is that they should put aside their differences and forget about it, because what they are fighting for in my opinion is not that serious.